Gatekeeping Procedures

Gatekeeping Procedures

This page provides high-level information on gatekeeping procedures, i.e., multiple testing procedures used in hypothesis testing problems where null hypotheses are grouped into multiple families.

Classification of gatekeeping procedures
Three classes of gatekeeping procedures have been proposed in the literature:

Serial gatekeeping procedures for clinical trials with serial gatekeepers. A family of null hypotheses is termed a serial gatekeeper if all null hypotheses must be rejected to pass the gatekeeper.
Parallel gatekeeping procedures for clinical trials with serial gatekeepers. A family of null hypotheses is termed a parallel gatekeeper if one or more null hypotheses must be rejected to pass the gatekeeper.
Gatekeeping procedures with general logical relationships for clinical trials with arbitrary logical relationships among null hypotheses of interest. Serial and parallel gatekeeping procedures are special cases of this general class.
Further reading
For more information on gatekeeping procedures in clinical trials, see the following review papers and chapters:

Dmitrienko Tamhane 2007 (review paper).
Dmitrienko Tamhane 2009 (Chapter 5 in Multiple Testing Problems in Pharmaceutical Statistics published in 2009 in the Chapman and Hall/CRC Biostatistics Series).
In addition, key publications on gatekeeping procedures in clinical trials are listed in Gatekeeping Papers.

Software implementation
For more information on software implementation of gatekeeping procedures, see Implementation of Gatekeeping Procedures.

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